Capture The Flag Indoor - Winter Edition

Capture The Flag Indoor - Winter Edition header image

Capture The Flag - Indoor is a custom-made game that can be played in any indoor location. All players complete a questionnaire prior to the game. Based on the answers we create a custom-made game. Capture The Flag is a game full of challenges and excitement! Whether you're planning a team outing or a family outing, our indoor version puts a unique twist on the classic game. You don't have to worry about the weather; you can enjoy the excitement indoors and create unforgettable memories with the players.

In short

Possible in these languages

Dutch, English

From 6 to 500 participants

Maximum of 2 hour(s)

Extending the duration is possible


A unique game for you

To make the GPS game truly personal, each participant must complete a list of personal questions in preparation. These are very different questions. Think of questions like "who inspired you most in life?", but we also ask you about the way you fold your toilet paper or what you would do in the event of a zombie attack. We will work on that and create a personal game for you.

How does the game work?

  • Find the QR Codes: Scan hidden QR codes to unlock new levels. This brings you closer to the exciting final challenge in the final. Let the search for codes begin!
  • Gathering information: Gather as much information as possible about the location of the flag. Crack the code by answering questions about your opponents, based on the questionnaire that players have completed in advance.
  • Capture the Flag: Capture the flag before your opponents do. The game ends once a team manages to capture the flag. The winning team is crowned the ultimate victors.

Play Capture The Flag anytime, anywhere!

Go on an indoor adventure with Capture The Flag Indoor and play the exciting game indoors, wherever you want! Immerse yourself in a tailor-made experience where strategy, teamwork and quick thinking are your greatest assets. Gather information, outsmart your opponents, find the location and capture the flag – all within the confines of your chosen indoor location. Whether you play the game in a business premises or a cozy event space, Capture The Flag is guaranteed to provide lots of fun!

Hilarity guaranteed

The photo and video challenges in Capture The Flag guarantee hilarity. The game is also full of dilemmas: should you cooperate or conspire? Who is on your side and who is your rival? It's all part of the fun! Dive into an adventure where the goal is not just to win, but to have fun along the way!

Make lasting memories

Whether you are on the winning team or leading a defeat, you will leave with a wealth of fun and unforgettable stories about your team. So grab your phone, gather your teammates and prepare for an unforgettable adventure: prepare to Capture The Flag!

* Also possible in a 2-hour variant at an additional cost
* Remote guidance




Persoonlijke vragen

Als je kiest voor persoonlijke vragen dan kan je zelf bepalen welke vragen in de vragenlijst komen. Zo kan je de vragen bijvoorbeeld aanpassen aan een specifiek thema. De standaard vragen zijn:

  • Wie is de bekendste persoon die je ooit hebt ontmoet? Beschrijf hoe je hem/haar hebt ontmoet.

  • Welke TV show denk je dat je zou kunnen winnen?

  • Ben je vouwer of een propper? In de manier van: wat doe je met je toiletpapier. Vouw je het netjes op of maak je er een propje van?

  • Wanneer was de laatste keer dat je iets nieuws deed? Wat deed je toen?

  • Is het friet of patat?

  • Als je terug kijkt, wat was je grootste angst als kind?

  • Is het glas half vol of half leeg?

  • Wie heeft je het meest geïnspireerd in je leven?

  • Wat zou je liever doen? Deelnemer aan de Olympische spelen of een film regisseren die genomineerd wordt voor een Oscar.

  • Je hebt 20 minuten voordat zombies aanvallen. Wat zou je doen?

  • Heb je ooit gespiekt voor een toets?

  • Hoe oud ben je?

  • Hoe oud voel je je?

  • Is er buitenaards leven in het heelal?


Based on these four properties, you will quickly find out what you can expect from the activity. This way you can tailor your teambuilding even better to the needs of your team.

  • Teamwork
  • Competition
  • Action
  • Learning

Available in these regions

This activity can take place in these regions

East Flanders
West Flanders
Flemish Brabant
Walloon Brabant
The Netherlands
North Brabant
North Holland
South Holland


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