Paparazzi on the run - Custom-made city game that can be played anywhere

Paparazzi on the run - Custom-made city game that can be played anywhere header image

Experience an exciting adventure in a any location as paparazzi and discover everything about your team. Based on a questionnaire filled by the players prior to the game, we create a unique game, making this the perfect way to get to know your colleagues better.

In short

Possible in these languages

Dutch, English

From 6 to 500 participants

Maximum of 2 hour(s)

Extending the duration is possible


In this exciting city game, you take on the challenge of finding the juiciest and most fascinating stories about your team and then submitting them to the editors. The team that collects the most information wins! With personal questions and a compelling story, this custom team building game is a fun way to bond within your team and have a great time. The best part is, you can play it whenever and wherever you want!

Armed with nothing but your smartphone and your wits, you navigate a chosen city (or village, forest, beach, etc.) in search of information that can make a lot of money with the editor-in-chief.. With every step you take with your phone, part of the map is revealed in the app, so you can find all the information you need. The clock is ticking! You only have two hours to gather as much information as possible and get to headquarters in time to submit your findings.

You have to stay sharp and use all your skills to come out on top. And pay attention! Other paparazzi are on the prowl, and they won't hesitate to use dirty tactics to throw you off your feet.

At the end of the game, itll leave with a wealth of fun and unforgettable stories about yourself and your team.

All team members fill in a questionnaire beforehand. Based on the answers, we create a tailor-made city game about and for the team. You can play it at any location you want. So you don't have to travel, just play it near your office or any other desired location.




Persoonlijke vragen

Als je kiest voor persoonlijke vragen dan kan je zelf bepalen welke vragen in de vragenlijst komen. Zo kan je de vragen bijvoorbeeld aanpassen aan een specifiek thema. De standaard vragen zijn:

  • Wie is de bekendste persoon die je ooit hebt ontmoet? Beschrijf hoe je hem/haar hebt ontmoet.

  • Welke TV show denk je dat je zou kunnen winnen?

  • Ben je vouwer of een propper? In de manier van: wat doe je met je toiletpapier. Vouw je het netjes op of maak je er een propje van?

  • Wanneer was de laatste keer dat je iets nieuws deed? Wat deed je toen?

  • Is het friet of patat?

  • Als je terug kijkt, wat was je grootste angst als kind?

  • Is het glas half vol of half leeg?

  • Wie heeft je het meest geïnspireerd in je leven?

  • Wat zou je liever doen? Deelnemer aan de Olympische spelen of een film regisseren die genomineerd wordt voor een Oscar.

  • Je hebt 20 minuten voordat zombies aanvallen. Wat zou je doen?

  • Heb je ooit gespiekt voor een toets?

  • Hoe oud ben je?

  • Hoe oud voel je je?

  • Is er buitenaards leven in het heelal?


Based on these four properties, you will quickly find out what you can expect from the activity. This way you can tailor your teambuilding even better to the needs of your team.

  • Teamwork
  • Competition
  • Action
  • Learning

Available in these regions

This activity can take place in these regions

East Flanders
West Flanders
Flemish Brabant
Walloon Brabant
The Netherlands
North Brabant
North Holland
South Holland


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