The workshop will begin with an introduction to the world of illustration. Our professional illustrator will then ask the participants a question: What image could represent you and your office? What themes, colors, and shapes would you choose? Why?
Based on this reflection, each participant will receive cards, markers, and pastels to freely express their ideas, without overthinking, following their intuition.
All the proposals will then be collected and sorted into three categories:
Interesting ideas but difficult to execute (too abstract, too complex).
Relevant ideas but already seen.
Original, feasible, and engaging ideas.
After a vote and a discussion guided by the illustrator, the group will choose the direction for the project.
Participants will then visually explore the most creative and accessible ideas by drawing or writing freely with the materials provided. Those who wish can present their project to the group.
At the end of the workshop, our partner will photograph the creations and, within a week, create an illustration inspired by these ideas. The final image, representing the company and its employees, will be sent in high resolution to be used on various media: email banners, greeting cards, framed prints, and much more! This illustration can serve as a visual support for many occasions and will remain a cherished memory of a collective effort.
An artistic and collaborative project to give a unique visual identity to your work environment.